Thatch is a tightly-woven mixture of living and dead grass, leaves and roots, which lives below the grass you see on your lawn. Every lawn has a thatch layer that is essential to a green, healthy lawn; when the thatch layer becomes too thick, however, it has an adverse effect on your lawn's health. It can prevent nutrients from reaching turf roots, and can also block much of the waterfrom being absorbed into the soil to help the grass form a deep root system. Dethatching your lawn will help reduce the thatch layer to keep the lawn thriving all season.
Grasses that Benefit From Overseeding
The practice of overseeding lawns is really nothing more than spreading grass seed over an existing lawn. The golf industry has been doing it since the sport began and is an important step in maintaining quality turf. Knowing how to do it correctly is the key.
Not every grass type requires overseeding. The practice of overseeding lawns is primarily reserved for cool season bunch type grasses such as tall fescue, fine fescue, perennial and annual ryegrass and occasionally bluegrass. There are exceptions, but for most home lawns, grass types that spread by the production of "runners" are not generally overseeded unless it is damaged or diseased. This includes most warm season grass varieties. An exception is bermudagrass that is occasionally overseeded in the fall using a cool season variety. Todas estas experiencias le serán transmitida por nuestros especialistas.
Why is Overseeding lawns Necessary?
After several years, mature plants begin to slow down their reproduction rate. Since a blade of grass lives only an average of 45 to 60 days, production of new tillers must continually outpace the dieback of older leaves. Young grass will produce tillers faster than older grass. Therefore, one of the most important secrets to maintaining a healthy, thick lawn is to make sure your grass is young. The practice of overseeding lawns is the easiest way of Keeping grass young.
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