For optimum growth, turf grass needs just four things...sunlight, air, water, and nutrients. Reduce any of these, or provide too much of some, and your grass will die or decline. However, provide the right proportions and you will have a healthy lawn that increases the value of your property, generates clean air for the enviroment, and serves as a clean and safe surface to play on and enjoy.

The Grass seeds take time to establish itself and put forth shoots. During that time, the homeowner needs to be vigilant about keeping traffic off the lawn - children and pets can quickly destroy new grass shoots. If seed is laid down at the wrong time of year or not properly cared for, it may fail to germinate or die off quickly. Sod is a good choice to quickly repair areas that have been damaged by traffic or torn up. Supreme Landscaping can help advise you on the best solution for your projects about turf.



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